09 January 2011

Two days . . .

I'll Be boarding a plane, first bound for Germany, and then on to India. Would love to say "no fear," but anyone who knows me would call "bullshit."

Speaking of bulls and shit: Maaaaaan, have I been ridin' the bullet here lately! First, the curry, and then, I learned that one should never consume high amounts of Vitamin C and zinc, with even a miniscule amount of mouthwash, on an empty and petrified stomach. Never!

And then, there's the visit to the Bull Temple. THAT should be interesting. But i do think it's bullshit that while other cross-cultural groups had pinnacle, Judeo-Christian experiences -- climbing Mt. Sinai, for instance -- our trip seems to be void of that. Well, at least one other person and I are planning to get permanent henna tats, picking up sterile needles to take in with us, of course. Good thing for free time, eh?

On the home front, we are both keeping our heads busy, with our hearts so full. I worry about her shoulder, being gone on her birthday on the 13th, making sure she eats regularly . . . All the detail of our lives that will be shaken and stirred, over the next few weeks. We have some debriefing stuff talked through, knowing that we won't know 'til we get there.

My brother is going to keep in touch with Honey, as will my mom. Ok, that's freaky to write, especially about my mom. They all have each others' numbers, but my brother wants no communication with our mom. This should be interesting. India is looking good right about now. ;) Love you, Baby!
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